If you need to take care of someone with extensive needs, you know how taxing and demanding that can be. Your time to solve problems is reduced and so you could do with additional assistance in dealing with the institutions tasked with assisting you. We can act as the buffer helping you to interact with these organisations.
Many in the UK find themselves in difficult circumstances, not only those in need but the carers who undertake the noble task of care.
Many in the UK find themselves in difficult circumstances, not only those in need but the carers who undertake the noble task of care.
We spend an average of 36 hours assisting each person in need per year. Why so much time? Generally we find it isn't just about the one issue, but multiple underlying issues. We help in the following areas: homelessness, debt, income, housing, health care, disability and social care.
A holistic approach ensures better outcomes for you. |